Julia Vinograd
All the Night Stars
Look up at night at all the stars
looking down at you, at the part of you that shines.
There are too many stars for numbers,
there are too many people for numbers.
The stars shine forever, even when dead.
So do we. Ignore the background noise
of wars and video games and dinosaurs giving speeches.
Fear is a sheer nighty on a skeleton.
Sorrow is wild flowers in a graveyard over our tomorrows.
Look past all that.
Look up at night at all the stars
looking down at you, at the part of you that shines.
Always remember to shine.
(from Between the Cracks, by Julia Vinograd, Zeitgeist Press, 2018, www.zeitgeist-press.com)
Submissions to the Julia Vinograd Anthology:
IF YOU HAVE WRITTEN a poem for Julia Vinograd, submissions are still definitely open for the tribute collection of poems about (and for) Julia Vinograd to be published by Zeitgeist Press. The publication date is still to be determined. Submissions can be emailed to JuliaVinogradAnthology@gmail.com.